Why sco is important for world : COVID, trade, Afghanistan...

 The latest SCO Summit was held in Dushanbe, the capital city of Tajikistan, on September 17, 2021. The summit was attended by the leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states, which include China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. The SCO is an important regional organization that was established in 2001 to promote cooperation in various fields such as security, trade, and culture.

One of the key themes of the summit was the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the region. The leaders of the member states expressed their condolences to the families of those who lost their lives due to the pandemic and highlighted the need for cooperation to combat the virus. The summit also discussed ways to enhance healthcare cooperation among the member states and to accelerate the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.

Why sco is important for world : COVID, trade, Afghanistan...
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Another important topic discussed at the summit was regional security. The leaders of the SCO member states reaffirmed their commitment to promoting peace and stability in the region and to combating terrorism, separatism, and extremism. They also discussed the situation in Afghanistan and expressed their concern about the escalating violence in the country. The leaders stressed the importance of a peaceful and stable Afghanistan and called for an inclusive Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace process.

The summit also discussed economic cooperation among the member states. The leaders highlighted the importance of promoting trade and investment and of enhancing connectivity in the region. They also emphasized the need for cooperation in the fields of energy, transport, and agriculture.

In addition, the summit focused on cultural cooperation among the member states. The leaders highlighted the importance of promoting cultural exchanges and of preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of the region.

The SCO Summit concluded with the adoption of a joint declaration in which the leaders of the member states reaffirmed their commitment to promoting cooperation in various fields. The declaration highlighted the importance of strengthening regional security and stability, enhancing economic cooperation, and promoting cultural exchanges.

Overall, the latest SCO Summit was a significant event that brought together the leaders of the member states to discuss important issues of mutual concern. The summit demonstrated the commitment of the SCO member states to promoting cooperation and stability in the region and to addressing common challenges.


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