Russian invasion in Ukraine : The other humanitarian perspective


 Wars are cruel, not only for humans but also for our mother nature. People die and with them, hopes to save our planet dies too because I think humans don't have anything to redeem, they never had. we are just dead people pretending to be living life. we have obsessions with war, to prove ourselves worthy, to be different, to be better, to be something wanted or desirable, to be known, to be heard, to be satisfied, to be obeyed, to be ourselves which is a total lie. we are too scared to be ourselves, primarily not by society, by ourselves. we want a happy life, at least at some point in our life but as we know it's not possible then we want a peaceful life and see that's also not possible so in the last want a normal life. we can laugh at it but it's really painful. why do you think it happened with us, maybe because of our over expectations or maybe be because of thousands of other reasons. some of you may think I'm being too harsh on humans, the reason is I'm a human too. let it go and let's start our primary topic... blah blah blah { taken from activist }

   Millions of people are fleeing from one country to another just to be alive and save their families. Not the first time in history and hope for the last time but as we know it's not possible. let's hope for the best. everyone has a different perspective on Russia Ukraine war, for most people, it's an invasion and for some, it's just a military operation. some will say it was an inevitable war but it could be avoided easily. for me, it's a battle of ego between a bunch of old people who wanna remain in power as long as they can. for them, it doesn't matter what's the cost, who's gonna bear it, how many people die etc. etc. because they don't care neither us, right? it's not our responsibility to intervene or make them stop war because already voted once for 5 years and now it's their headache and let us happy again, at least we have the right to vote. really ..?

Worlds perspective 

                                     Let's not discuss all the history of the conflict because everyone knows, hope so. if you don't you should start watching news channels, just for a day. starting with the so-called almighty superpower I think he's really gonna enjoy this war, at least behind the closed door. the invasion has a new name now: war between democracies and dictatorships. countries and companies started boycotting Russia, mostly owned by western countries. The highest no. of sanctions are now on Russia. the economy is crippling, people started protesting against Putin, overall Russia is at its weakest position. on the other hand for the USA, countries started increasing their defence, so more weapons will be ordered from American and western countries, and it will lead huge surge in donations for political parties. Now America can start again selling huge amounts of gas and crude oil. It's a big headache for Europe because it mostly depended on Russia for gas and oil. it will never want a direct confrontation with Russia for all the known reasons.      

         Major African and West Asian countries are playing neutral including Israel. some Asian countries like China, North Korea, Myanmar are either seen aligned with Russia or sometimes neutral. other Asian countries are playing neutral or say according to their benefit like India and ASEAN counties. we don't need a separate Indian humanitarian perspective because same in other countries like France government is using war as a chance to gain more popularity in elections. really don't care about ongoing referee crises because they are not coming to India. India cant ask directly Russia to stop the war or even condemn it because of various geopolitical reasons, defence ties and had to evacuate thousands of Indian students from Ukraine. some Indians are supporting the Russian invasion because Russia supported India in the right things India did like the 1971 Indo Pak war or the removal of article 370. quite thinkable ... 

Russia Ukraine war
A scene from Russia Ukraine war

In the end, what really matters is to stop the war as soon as possible. providing homes and compensation for people who lost properties. it's impossible to compensate for the losses of their loved ones so, at least we can show some dignity and provide them with a respectful burial. we should try the world should never face such war again. I will stop writing with a quote and let us take things positively: 

“Knowing someone isn’t coming back doesn’t mean you ever stop waiting.” — Toby Barlow


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