Naftali Bennett : Israel's new prime minister

Who is Naftali Bennett :

                                                         Naftali Bennett is the prime minister of Israel who elected as prime minister of Israel on 13 June 2021. he is 49 years old and served as a commando in Israeli forces. he gets an education from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. he is the 13th prime of the state of Israel. In past, he served as minister of education from 2015 to 2019 and defence minister from 2019 to 2020. he belongs to the Yamina party of Israel. I forget to mention he is a techie millionaire.

Current Political Situation of Isreal : 

                                                 Benjamin Netanyahu is the former prime minister of Israel. he was the longest-serving prime minister of Israel and was prime of Israel for 12 years. currently, he will serve as major opposition leader. he is the chairman of the Likud party of Israel. Naftali Bennett forms the government with the support of 60: 59 votes in parliament. He will be the prime minister of Israel for 2 years then Yair Lapid, 57 will replace bennet as Prime Minister of Israel. Yair Lapid is a hardcore leftist and on other hand, Naftali Bennett is a hardcore right-wing. there is a great ideological difference between both of them. 

Will the new government survives? :

                                                                         8 political parties of Israel joined hand together to form the new government. all of these political parties have different ideologies and this alliance have only 1 higher vote than Benjamin Netanyahu. if a single party pulls out from the new government, there are great chances for Benjamin Netanyahu to come back as the majority leader. Naftali Bennett is the prime minister of Israel only for two years. there are great chances that he will illegally occupy the land of Palestine to prove himself as a strong hardcore right-wing leader more than Benjamin Netanyahu. It's only time that will give us all of the answers. In his last speech of Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister, he criticises Biden in a very hard way. As we know both leaders personally don't like each other.


Change in policies towards the world :

                                                                               Bennett doesn't have much time. it seems like there will no major change in policies in the first year of government and try to maintain the government. 2nd year of his government will more aggressive towards Hamas and Iran. No major shift in policies towards India and the USA.  Bennett says in his political speeches that he will not divide Israelis as Benjamin Netanyahu divided them into Jews and Arab Muslims.

World leaders congratulate Bennett : 

                                                                           Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulates Bennett as the new prime minister on Israel in a kind of optimistic way. In the first tweet, he thanked Netanyahu for great India Israel relations and in the second tweet, he congratulates Bennett for new pm. some other leaders such as US president Joe Biden, german chancellor Anglea Merkel, Australian prime minister Scott Morrison, UK prime minister Boris Johnson etc. congratulates him as the new prime minister. Hamas says the way how it deals with Israel is not going to change. 

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